Hong Kong Alumnus visits EAST Mission Hub: David Sun

Back row: Boon Aitee, Esther Tan, Ee-Yuing Wong (EAST Staff) Front Row: Veronica & David Sun (EAST Alumnus)

EAST Alumnus David Sun and his wife Veronica recently made their first visit to EAST Mission Hub since the school moved there last year. While he was pursuing his Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies at EAST (he graduated in 2019), David was also the President of the Student Council. Some would have remembered his youngest son Samuel who would come along to help with vacuuming the premises after various events. They were a good father and son team. David and his wife flew into town from Hong Kong where they reside to visit Samuel who has recently been enlisted into Singapore’s National Service.

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EAST Thanksgiving & Envisioning Day 2021


On 5 June 2021, we held our inaugural EAST Mission Hub Thanksgiving and Envisioning Day (TED) online over two sessions at 10.00 am and 2.30 pm with over 100 participants joining us for each of the sessions. The program saw various alumni, students, faculty, and Christian leaders who testified of God’s work in their lives and ministry because of their journey through and with EAST.

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Thanksgiving for EMH Facilities


In June 2019, EAST leadership found a five-storey building at 118 Joo Chiat Road that seemed tailormade for EAST. It could house our offices, library and classrooms under one roof and purchased this building together with CRU Singapore’s partnership and help. The building, now affectionately called our EAST Mission Hub cost $17.8m. EAST has to raise $8m for the use of the third, fourth and fifth storey of the building. By God’s grace, $6m has been raised to date with a current shortfall of about $2m. From being founded in a meeting room at CRU’s Great Commission Training Center, then moving to Parish of Christ Church’s rented facilities at 1 Dorset Road, EAST has not had a permanent home since 1992. 

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EAST Mission Hub: A Facility to Bless the Nations


Since the founding of East Asia School of Theology in 1992, the Lord has provided suitable places to nurture the school. In the initial years at a meeting room in Cru’s Great Commission Training Centre expanding to a larger rented facility inside Parish of Christ Church that became home to the growing EAST family for 25 years. In 2018, thrust into a period of transition with a building re-development in Christ Church, the Lord led the Board of Cru Asia Ltd and the leadership of EAST to a freehold commercial building in the Joo Chiat area. Today, 118 Joo Chiat Road is home to East Asia School of Theology as the EAST Mission Hub.

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