Myanmar-Indo Mission Trip Reflection

During the December break when many students take the opportunity to return to their homelands to visit family and friends, there were three North East Indian students Athem, Achui, and Themreiso who decided to spend some time ministering to Myanmar refugees at the Myanmar-Indo border to help meet physical needs and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. Below are reflections by Athem, a leader and organiser of the mission trip, and Themreiso as a team member.

“I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve Myanmar refugees at the Indian border, who have fled war and poverty. Despite their circumstances, I saw them as individuals with dreams and aspirations, just like us. However, their situation has left them vulnerable physically and spiritually. During this trip, I witnessed God’s remarkable power in several ways. He provided for our financial needs, protected us amidst danger, and saw God supernaturally moved hearts in response to the good news of Jesus Christ. Praise God for those who accepted Christ as their Saviour which constitutes 90% of whom we ministered to.

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Happy Lunar New Year!


The EAST President, Faculty, Students and Staff wish all a Blessed Lunar New Year!

“You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance” – Psalm 65:11

The pinyin greeting of the Chinese couplet is:

主赐恩惠 (zhǔ cì ēn huì)

合家蒙福 (hé jiā méng fú)

The English equivalent is

“May the LORD grant His abundant grace and overflowing blessings to you and your family!”


MG Retreat 2025

The beginning of January traditionally begins with a Mentoring Group Retreat for the EAST Community and this year was no different, except the location has shifted from Changi Village or Katong to Loyang, still in the eastern part of Singapore. The retreat was held at the Center for Performance Transformation (CPT) Training and Camp Centre. The surroundings were lush with greenery and it was by the seaside, a perfect location where one could spend an afternoon of personal reflection time and worship God.

The meat of the retreat was having Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai share from his heart with the EAST Community. The theme was “Returning to the Way of the Master”. On the first day, he spoke on “Searching for Greatness”. He shared from the text of Mark 10:35-45 where Jesus’ disciples had argued with one another about who was the greatest, It is a natural desire in all of us to want to be somebody and there is nothing wrong with that, as every single one of us is made in the image of Jesus, made in the image of God. However, Asians tend to be less straightforward about acknowledging this desire as opposed to the Westerners.  Often, we have both the wrong ideas about greatness and wrong indicators for greatness. How we measure greatness may not be how the Lord measure it.

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November 2024 Intensive Class Reflections


During November 2024, two intensive classes were held at EAST – “Intercultural Communications” course by Dr Alvin Tey and “Exposition of Hebrews” course by Dr Gilbert Soo Hoo.

Below are two reflections by students who attended the “Intercultural Communications” class. The first reflection is by Mr Tan Jing Fei, a Singaporean final year Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies student whose undergraduate degree is in law. The second reflection is from another final year MA in Intercultural Studies student who hails from Mongolia. Ms Nurjanar Shampan or “Nuugii” as she is commonly known shares her insightful reflection on her culture.

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Ruth Po Gay: New Student’s Testimony of Healing

L-R: Blessing (cousin), Joel (father), Ruth, Thablay Wah (mother), Naomi (sister)


Ruth Po Gay is a newly enrolled student of EAST who has officially started her Graduate Diploma in Christian Ministry on 3 January 2025 with an orientation at EAST. However, she has a powerful testimony of God’s workings in her life since she has arrived in Singapore last October. Her heartfelt sharing is below.

Over the past years, God has been molding and teaching me through the most challenging season of my life, where I even doubted my existence. While working full-time in 2023, I served in outreach programs in Kwin Baw Village, a predominantly Karen community in the Delta region of Ayeyarwaddy in Myanmar. During these mission trips, I simply helped among those sharing the gospel, teaching Bible lessons, and leading songs. This is when God placed a burden on my heart to serve by reaching out to children with limited access to education, sharing the gospel, and strengthening their faith. Although I have a passion for reaching lost souls, I struggled to submit to Him wholeheartedly and was confined in my own fear. I was so focused on myself and my plans, trying to fit God into them. While my heart was in the right place, my attitude was not.

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