Financial Aid & Scholarships


The school seeks to provide financial assistance to needy students to help them complete their course of study at EAST. To be eligible for financial aid, a student must have a financial need, be enrolled as a full-time student (ten credits or more per semester), meet minimum GPA requirements for the degree program, and not have outstanding bills within EAST. A student’s character, current ministry involvement, and ministry potential are also considered. Applications for financial aid are reviewed by the Financial Aid Review Committee.

Financial aid is determined by considering the cost of tuition and fees (plus immigration fees, living expenses, and accommodation for international students) and the resources currently available to the student. Financial need equals the costs minus a student’s contribution and outside support and resources.


Entering students who wish to be considered for financial assistance must have all admissions documents (including transcripts, references, and financial documents) submitted by 1 March for international students and 1 April for Singapore residents and returning students. 

Financial aid applications will not be evaluated until admissions eligibility has been determined. (Please note that an incomplete application will not be reviewed until the form is fully submitted). Prospective students who wish to apply for financial aid should plan their admissions process accordingly. Financial aid applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered if funding has been awarded to others. Financial aid awarded to incoming international students will start at the beginning of EAST Aleph.


Continuing students who wish to be considered for financial aid must apply in writing by 1 April for the first semester and 1 October for the second semester.  Application forms are in the EAST Admin Office and must be submitted to the Financial Aid Coordinator. The Coordinator will inform the student of the Financial Aid Review Committee’s decision in writing.


All students receiving financial aid and/or scholarships through EAST have certain responsibilities. These include:

  • Submit application for financial aid and all supporting documentation on time (see deadlines stated above).
  • All students must follow the program of study indicated in the Prospectus and enrol for a minimum of ten credits per semester (unless the student is graduating at the end of the semester) or equivalent for EFS students.
  • Bachelor’s students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.7 in order to remain eligible for assistance. Master’s students who receive financial aid must maintain a GPA average of at least 3.0 in order to remain eligible for assistance.
  • Submit to the Financial Aid Coordinator a “thank you” letter and progress update to be forwarded to donors who provide financial aid for the student. This is to be done four times a year (during mid-semester break and within one week after the end of a semester).
  • If a student receives financial aid or a scholarship through EAST and also receives additional financial assistance from another source, it is the student’s responsibility to report this to the Financial Aid Coordinator.

Evaluation of students receiving financial assistance is done before the start of a new semester. Failure to meet one or more areas of these responsibilities may result in the loss of financial aid the following semester.


EAST provides several types of financial aid. Application forms for financial aid are located in the Admin Office or online. All application forms are submitted to the Financial Aid Coordinator.

  1. Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance is available to students who have tried but are unable to raise full financial support for their studies for the duration of the program (as indicated in their application for admission). Students will need to document their effort to develop financial support. The money is not given directly to the students, but is used to settle the students’ tuition fees. Tuition Assistance is awarded according to the needs of the student, the amount of the fund available, and the number of recipients.

  1. Living Assistance

Living Assistance helps students in need to defray the costs of basic living expenses in Singapore. The amount given depends on availability of funds, the number of recipients, and the needs of the students. The money is normally given directly to the student on a monthly basis or as a one-time gift. Cru or CCC staff will have the funds credited to their staff donation account.


Murray Bruce Brash started this scholarship fund for two reasons: to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assist needy persons in their preparation for full-time Christian work or mission. The Brash Scholarships are awarded to deserving persons who wish to pursue 1) undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Singapore or the UK, or 2) postgraduate studies in the USA, Philippines, or Indonesia.

Applicants who apply for this scholarship must meet five conditions:

  • Male Chinese citizens of Singapore or male citizens of Malaysia or Indonesia
  • Approved Protestant denomination or background
  • Born again evangelical of sound character
  • Preparing for full-time Christian work or missionary service
  • Financially needy

For more information about this scholarship, download the Application Form (updated 27 May 2024) and the Reference Form (updated 29 April 2024). All forms should be submitted by email to The Brash Trust in digital format. Any inquiries about this scholarship should be directed to The Brash Trust at:

Phone: +65 6236-3333

The above information is provided by The Brash Trust as of 23 June 2024.


The scholarship uses the name of the late Dr Bobby Sng to celebrate his life and ministry, especially in the three areas he is most passionate about: in Bible missions, in community service, and in youth work. Hence, the scholarship aims to fund students pursuing theological studies who aspire to serve or already involved in the above three areas.

The scholarship will cover academic/tuition fees and book allowances, excluding accommodation, meal plan, and other expenses (like mission trips, insurance, etc.). Applicant must be Singaporean or PR, be in financial need, and an active member of a local church among other criteria.

The BSSTS is awarded to deserving persons who fulfil the following criteria: Wish to pursue first degree in theological studies (undergraduate or postgraduate) in a Singapore theological institution (including EAST). The relevance of the chosen courses will be decided by the Scholarship Committee. Commit to work or serve in the following areas for at least three (3) years after graduation:

  • Bible Missions
  • Community Service
  • Youth Work

For more information, visit here and/or email Click here to download the scholarship form.