Christian Marriage (Online) – PIM Day Course

Christian Marriage (Online)
LF360, 2 Credits
Mondays, 9 September – 28 October, 10.30 am – 1.30 pm (SGT)

Aims to build a thriving marriage by exploring important topics like understanding God’s design for marriage, communication and conflict resolution, power of forgiveness, impact of family background and upbringing, physical intimacy, and maintaining romance in marriage. It offers assessments for marriage and practical skills in handling challenges unique to ministry couples.

This Partners in Ministry course is for married couples only (to register for and attend as a couple). Read more

The Significant Woman (Online) – PIM Day Course

The Significant Woman (Online)
LF311, 2 Credits
Mondays, 15 July – 2 September, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm 

As a woman, would you like to learn how to live a life of significance? No matter what season of life you are in, this course is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, become aware of who God created you to be, discover and do what He has called you to do.

This Partners in Ministry course is for wives of full-time ministers and seminary students. Read more

PIM Graduate Salaimphy: I finally had the chance to be trained!

Sailamphy Rakhangmi, EAST PIM graduate, India


Here is the story of Sailamphy Rakhangmi who graduated in May 2024 with an EAST Certificate in Partners in Ministry (PIM). PIM is a two-year Certificate Program designed to provide a learning environment to develop wives of seminary students, wives of men in full-time ministry and wives of men in bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s ministry.

For a long time Sailamphy, 44, who shepherds a church in New Delhi with her husband Rejoyson, hungered for ministry training.  Read more

The Significant Woman – Partners in Ministry Online Course

The Significant Woman (Online)
LF411, 2 Credits
Mondays, 1.00 pm-3.00 pm (18 July–5 September)

As a woman, would you like to learn how to live a life of significance?  No matter what season of life you are in, this course is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, become aware of who God created you to be, discover and do what He has called you to do. Read more

All things connect together for good in PIM


With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, safety measures have made it necessary for Partners in Ministry (PIM) courses to be offered online. The scope of PIM’s online reach has thus expanded to Asia and beyond. This provides opportunities to impact more with its mission to equip wives of men in full-time ministry or bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s work. Praise God!

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