Christian Marriage (Online) – PIM Day Course

Christian Marriage (Online)
LF360, 2 Credits
Mondays, 9 September – 28 October, 10.30 am – 1.30 pm (SGT)

Aims to build a thriving marriage by exploring important topics like understanding God’s design for marriage, communication and conflict resolution, power of forgiveness, impact of family background and upbringing, physical intimacy, and maintaining romance in marriage. It offers assessments for marriage and practical skills in handling challenges unique to ministry couples.

This Partners in Ministry course is for married couples only (to register for and attend as a couple). Read more

The Significant Woman (Online) – PIM Day Course

The Significant Woman (Online)
LF311, 2 Credits
Mondays, 15 July – 2 September, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm 

As a woman, would you like to learn how to live a life of significance? No matter what season of life you are in, this course is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, become aware of who God created you to be, discover and do what He has called you to do.

This Partners in Ministry course is for wives of full-time ministers and seminary students. Read more

Growing as a Married Couple at EAST


How would you like both your spouse and yourself to be growing together as you undergo theological education?

Hear from Rev Liong Kwok Wai and his wife Agnes Liong, as they have experienced much holistic growth as they studied at EAST. Kwok Wai is the EAST Dean of Academics and Agnes directs the EAST Partners in Ministry (Chinese) program.

If you are a married couple, do consider studying at EAST because the school greatly value the development of the spouse and that of the family. Click on the video here to hear from them. Then do consider going to the EAST Open House 2024 and learn more. Remember to visit the Partners in Ministry (PIM) portion of the Open House and learn how can the wives of husbands who are seminary students or Christian ministers benefit from the PIM program.

Come for the EASTperience when you join the EAST Open House 2024 either online on 3 February, 9:30 am, or onsite on 7 February, 10:30 am.


Bible Survey (Online) – PIM Day Course

Bible Survey (Online)
BS312, 2 Credits
Mondays, 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm 

This course is designed to provide an overview of the Old and New Testaments. The summary of the storyline of the entire Bible in its historical sequence also highlights the primary biblical and theological themes. The course is designed to help learners understand and embrace Jesus Christ as the Promised Messiah and our Saviour and Coming King.

Registration deadline is Friday, 29 December 2023.

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Becoming a Partner in Ministry (Online) – PIM Day Course

Becoming a Partner in Ministry (Online)
LF302, 2 Credits
Mondays, 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm 

Looks at the unique challenges and needs of a wife as a partner in ministry as her husband serves in full-time Christian ministry and presents biblical ways of responding to the challenges.

Registration deadline is Friday, 29 December 2023.

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