Significance of Trials

Amidst this global pandemic and various unrests going on globally, different ones are facing different trials daily. What are the significance of these trials?

Extract from the article “Significance of Trial”:

It is in the heat of trials where these deficiencies in faith and character surface. It is only when they surface, that God can begin to purify our hearts and motives and actions.

Why Do I Need Trials?

Trials produce maturity, and this is why they are a blessing to us. James 1:4 describes a progression where trials produce perseverance, and perseverance, maturity. The goal of trials is not to make a person more persevering. That’s not a very exciting goal. But the result of persevering under trials is a mature character and faith. This is motivating. All Christians want the fruit of maturity; godly character and faith.

Read the full article by Rick James to find out more.

#SaturdayGoodRead #EASTLifestyle

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