2024/2025 First semester courses


EQUIP 8 EAST Promotion

Be equipped with just $80

Enjoy the promotional rate of $80 for each EAST course taken for audit during July to December 2024. Usually up to  $285  school fees for an audit course. Join a course or two to be equipped and transformed in your life and ministry.




Onsite, online, and concurrent courses offered at EAST this semester.

Almost all EAST courses include both synchronous and asynchronous portions. During the synchronous portion, the class meets at a specific time either online via Zoom or onsite at EAST.

  • “Onsite” courses meet at EAST.
  • “Online” courses will have synchronous sessions held only online.
  • “Concurrent” courses are held onsite and online simultaneously. Singapore residents who are taking the course for credit can only take the course onsite.  Audit students must choose either onsite or online for the duration of the course.

During the asynchronous portion of each course, enrolled learners do assigned work on their own by a specific date (e.g. online discussions, readings, watching videos, etc.).

Certain classes may require audit students to complete some assignments and/or in-class projects to maximise their learning experience.

Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.

SEMESTER COURSES (15 July – 15 November 2024)

Evening Courses – Online

Day Courses – Onsite

Day Courses – Online

Day Courses – Concurrent Onsite & Online

Day Courses, Online – Partners in Ministry



Intensive Classes – Onsite




All day and evening courses listed are valid for the semester of 15 July – 15 November 2024. Registration deadline is Friday, 5 July 2024.

Please note the following dates in EAST’s academic calendar:

  • Make-Up / Reading Week: 9-11 September 2024
  • Ministry Weekend (no classes): 12-16 September 2024
  • School Break: 17-20 September 2024
  • Make-Up / Reading Week: 4-8 November 2024
  • Exam Week: 11-15 November 2024

Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.


“Online” courses are conducted synchronously through Zoom. “Onsite” courses have synchronous sessions conducted in-person at EAST campus. All timings shown are for synchronous sessions conducted either online or onsite. Course assignments will be done asynchronously by learners on their own.


History of Missions & Current Global Missions (Online)
IS511, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

The great commission has played an important role in the life of the church. Over the last two millennia, millions of men and women have faithfully shared the gospel and sought to make disciples throughout the world. In this course we will seek to trace the historical progress of the gospel from the first century to the present. The goal of the course is to grow in our faith by seeing how God has been at work throughout history and to challenge one another to continue to live lives of faithfulness to God’s mission.

Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.


Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.



“Online” courses are conducted synchronously through Zoom. “Concurrent” courses have synchronous sessions conducted both online and onsite (in-person) at the same time. All timings shown are for synchronous sessions conducted either online or onsite. Course assignments will be done asynchronously by learners on their own.


Christian Leadership Foundations (Onsite)
LF510, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course examines the biblical standard of Servant-Steward-Shepherd leadership against some popular leadership theories and praxis. Students will discover how God has uniquely designed them in areas of gifting, passion, temperament, and life experience. A time will be provided for each student to seek God for a personal vision and mission for the next fifteen years of their life. These have implications for personal management of their time, talent, and treasure over a lifetime.


Roland Tan, DMin, has been involved in spiritual leadership and teaching since joining Cru Singapore (formerly Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ) over 40 years ago. He and his wife, Ying Kheng, served as missionaries in the Philippines, Korea, and Hong Kong. For ten years, he led Cru Singapore as the national leader.


Theology 1: God, Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Onsite)
TS510, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Examines basic theological method, the doctrine of God, His existence and nature, as well as the doctrines surrounding the nature, authority and reliability of His revelation, including the inspiration, collection and transmission of the Bible. The course also examines the doctrine of Jesus Christ including His identity, nature, and work on behalf of humanity, as well as the Holy Spirit’s nature, activities, and significance. Prerequisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics, TS560 Worldview & Biblical Decision Making or IS520 Contextualisation.

Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.



Derek Atkins, PhD Studies, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), and taught English to undergraduate students in East Asia for many years. He comes to EAST with a desire to prepare Christian workers for ministry throughout Asia and beyond.


A Life of Prayer: A Biblical Portrait & Spiritual Practices (Onsite)
LF506, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

The course seeks to equip students with biblical understanding and spiritual practices for cultivating a life of prayer. Students will examine models and teachings on prayer in Scripture so as to grow in deeper appreciation and awe of God and learn the role of prayer for the completion of His work and fulfilment of His will on earth. They will also study both theoretical and practical dimensions of prayer and explore different spiritual practices related to prayer, enabling them to grow in intimacy with God, awareness of self, and formative ministry to others through prayer.

Benson Goh, PhD, has been a Cru Singapore staff since 1996. He has served in the campus ministry and was the director of the Great Commission Training Center. He has also served as the operations director in EAST. He is married to Josephine, and they have three children: Samuel, who went home to the Lord in 2002, and Joylynn and Benedict.


Josephine Lew, EdD Studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore since 1995. For thirteen years, she served on a Campus Leadership Team and Great Commission Training Center before she joined EAST to serve with Partners in Ministry (2008-2011). As a certified MBTI coach and faculty, she enjoys helping EAST students grow in self-awareness and in their personal development. She is married to Benson, and they have three children.



Building Spiritual Movements (Onsite)
IS501, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

This course provides the “big picture” of building disciples in a movement context. Students learn the biblical basis of spiritual movements and analyse a number of historical and current examples. This course is intended to motivate and equip students to be more effective in their personal ministry of evangelism and discipleship and trust God to build communities of Spirit-filled multipliers wherever He calls them to minister. Prerequisite: IS400 Evangelism & Follow-Up Seminar.


Liong Kwok Wai, PhD Studies, has been serving as a staff member of Cru Singapore since 1999. He has ministered among campus students, church planters and community leaders in Singapore and East Asia. He was also involved in training full-time Christian workers and leadership development.


Old Testament Poetry, Wisdom, & Prophets (Concurrent)
OT511, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Expositional study of the poetic, wisdom, and prophetic books of the Old Testament (Job through Malachi) giving attention to theological themes and motifs. Emphasis will also be given to interpretation of these genres with attention to various elements such as literary, historical, political, and cultural context as well as relationship to the New Testament. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.

Toe Set 130x160



Toe Set, ThM, enjoys helping people understand the Old Testament. Over the years, he has taught various Old Testament books not only in Singapore but elsewhere in Asia to lay leaders, pastors, and full-time Christian workers.



Napitchaya Panum, ThM, comes with ministry experiences of working with college students in Thailand and the USA. She received her ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA). Her desire is to use her training to equip students to engage actively in God’s word with both heart and mind.


Worldview & Biblical Decision Making (Concurrent)
TS560, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Helps students better understand what a worldview is, how it works, and its importance so they will move toward and creatively apply a more biblical view of the world. The course also briefly examines the history of ethical theory from both general and Christian perspectives to help students develop a more genuinely Christian framework for moral decision making. Students will be encouraged and expected to apply creatively and thoughtfully what they learn to a number of case studies and scenarios as well as utilize this material in their lives and ministries.


Lewis Winkler, PhD, joined Cru in 1987 and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today. Lewis is married to Barbara, and they have three adult children.



Derek Atkins, PhD Studies, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), and taught English to undergraduate students in East Asia for many years. He comes to EAST with a desire to prepare Christian workers for ministry throughout Asia and beyond.


Contextualisation (Onsite)
IS520, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am

This course examines the process involved in the contextualisation of theology and ministry, identifying themes and methods appropriate for the Asian context. Using the framework of critical contextualisation, the class will examine the issues that arise in contextualising. Students will also develop strategies to contextualise meaningfully in their church and ministry.

Alvin Tey, PhD, serves with Operation Mobilisation (OM), where he is currently involved in the training, equipping and care of missionaries sent to serve across East Asia. He previously served in OM’s transformational development ministries among poor and marginalized least-reached peoples and communities in Southeast Asia. Alvin is married to Kalene and they have three children, Natalie, Charlotte and Josiah. In his free time, Alvin enjoys history and sports.



Teaching & Learning 1 (Onsite)
LF530, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am

This course equips the student with critical skills to facilitate learning groups in a relevant and life changing manner. Building on a foundation of Bible study, the student learns to assess the audience, understand various types of groups and their dynamics, develop a lesson plan, and facilitate in order that participants are actively engaged in the learning process. Students practice facilitation skills in small group contexts. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions.

Agnes Too, DIS Studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore since 1994. She has previously taught English proficiency and Communication classes in the National University of Singapore. Together with her husband, Samuel, they served in East Asia for 10 years before returning home to lead the Missions department in Cru Singapore. Her ministry focus was in Membercare, helping churches and mission agencies prepare and send well so that their missionary families will thrive on the field and return healthy. They both joined EAST as resident faculty and staff in May 2020.


Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics (Onsite)
BS510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

A skills-oriented course covering two parts. In Part 1 (Bible Study Methods), students will learn and practice the principles, methods and procedures of inductive Bible study involving the steps of observation, interpretation and correlation (hermeneutics), and application. In Part 2 (Hermeneutics), students will be introduced to important hermeneutical features and guidelines in interpreting the different Bible genres. The practice of principles and skills will be applied in the study of several Bible passages, as well as selected Bible books. Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions and to maximise their learning experience.


Amy Lau, ThM, graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA), and has taught Bible and Theological classes since 2002. She served on the pastoral team at St. John’s and St. Margaret’s Church before joining EAST as a resident faculty. Amy is a creative teacher who challenges her students to interact with God’s Word critically.


New Testament Narratives (Onsite)
NT510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

An expositional study of the Gospels and Acts. Attention will be given to the historical and cultural contexts of these narratives as well as biblical themes and theology. Emphasis will be given to Christ’s teaching and ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit in building the Church. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.


Ng Khim Fatt, ThM, graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2019 and joined EAST as a resident faculty in 2023. He has taught subjects on New Testament studies with the EAST Extension Centres in India and East Asia and is passionate about equipping Christian workers in developing countries.



Church History 1 (Onsite)
TS500, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course helps students better appreciate and understand their own faith by studying some of the key movements and ideas from the history of the Christian Church. The course will follow the history of Christianity from the late first century to the rise of the Enlightenment. Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.

Raymundo Go, PhD, has been on staff with Philippines Campus Crusade for Christ since 1989 where he had served in both the Church Resource Ministry and the Chinese Ministry. In 1997, he and his wife Lutgarda joined the Faculty team of the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines). He was the Senior Pastor at Philippines National Police Academy–Cadet Christian Fellowship for twelve years. He and Lutgarda, have two children: Sara and Nathan.


Missions Foundations (Online)
IS409, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course focuses on God’s missions agenda throughout the Bible. In addition, examples from various historical and contemporary contexts will be discussed. Students will consider their personal role in missions today.


Joyce Jow, PhD, has been ministering among university students and focusing on leadership development for more than two decades. She has served in several contexts and enjoys the challenge of learning how to communicate the gospel in different cultures. She is married to Uno.


Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.




The Partners in Ministry (PIM) two-year Certificate Program is designed for wives of seminary students as well as wives of men in full-time ministry or bi-vocational ministry. It was developed out of a firm conviction at EAST that married couples called into vocational ministry would bear much fruit when they are equipped to serve alongside each other. The program is designed to equip women as partners in ministry with their husbands. The two-year Certificate Program is also offered online for eligible wives whose husbands are unable to relocate to Singapore. Individual courses are also offered online for eligible visiting students to take them for credit. In addition, individual courses are open for all wives, irrespective of their husbands’ vocation, to take the courses as audit students.

For more information, visit www.east.edu.sg/pim or contact the Partners in Ministry Program Director, Mrs Lut Go at lutgo@east.edu.sg.

The courses listed are valid for the semester of 15 July – 15 November 2024. Registration deadline are 5 July 2024 and 30 August 2024 for the first and second courses respectively.

Please note the following dates in EAST’s academic calendar:

  • Make-Up / Reading Week: 9-11 September 2024
  • Ministry Weekend (no classes): 12-16 September 2024
  • School Break: 17-20 September 2024
  • Make-Up / Reading Week: 4-8 November 2024
  • Exam Week: 11-15 November 2024



The Significant Woman (Online)
LF311, 2 Credits
Mondays, 15 July – 2 September, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm (SGT)

As a woman, would you like to learn how to live a life of significance? No matter what season of life you are in, this course is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, become aware of who God created you to be, discover and do what He has called you to do.

Sophie Lo, MA, has served at EAST since 2013 as a lecturer for Partners in Ministry and had various ministry experience in East Asia and Singapore. She is passionate about ministering to women, and enjoys discipling and journeying with them in their growth. She is also involved in local outreaches, social media ministries, and has been mentoring young mothers for the past 10 years. Sophie is married to Nelson, and they have two children.

Registration deadline is Friday, 5 July 2024.


Christian Marriage (Online)
LF360, 2 Credits
Mondays, 9 September – 28 October, 10.30 am – 1.30 pm (SGT)

Aims to build a thriving marriage by exploring important topics like understanding God’s design for marriage, communication and conflict resolution, power of forgiveness, impact of family background and upbringing, physical intimacy, and maintaining romance in marriage. It offers assessments for marriage and practical skills in handling challenges unique to ministry couples.

Jacob Li, PhD Studies, is passionate about teaching God’s Word. He holds a Master of Continuing Education (Adult Learning) from University of Calgary (Canada) and Master of Theology (Bible Exposition) from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA). He is currently working on his PhD in Instructional Design and Technology. He has taught at churches, para-church ministries and seminaries in Canada, USA and Asia. He is married to Josephine, and they have two children.


Josephine Li, MA, has served at EAST as a lecturer for Partners in Ministry and ministers to women from various nationalities. Her passion is to share God’s love with people from different nations and is involved in various ministries to refugees, Chinese orphanages, local church outreach programs, and other womens’ ministries. Josephine is married to Jacob, and they have two children, Josiah and Jesse.

Registration deadline is Friday, 30 August 2024.





Registration deadline for the intensive classes is Tuesday, 12 November 2024.

Intercultural Communication (Onsite)
IS521, 3 Credits
20 – 29 November, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
(from Wednesday to the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)

Study of the basic principles of and key issues in intercultural communication. Students will learn the complexity of communicating the Gospel cross-culturally through experiential learning activities. They will acquire tools for studying a host culture and learn how to communicate the Gospel in a culturally relevant manner.

Alvin Tey, PhD, serves with Operation Mobilisation (OM), where he is currently involved in the training, equipping and care of missionaries sent to serve across East Asia. He previously served in OM’s transformational development ministries among poor and marginalized least-reached peoples and communities in Southeast Asia. Alvin is married to Kalene and they have three children, Natalie, Charlotte and Josiah. In his free time, Alvin enjoys history and sports.


Exposition of Hebrews (Onsite)        
NT551, 3 Credits
20 – 29 November, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
(from Wednesday to the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)

Expositional study of a designated epistle or epistles with attention to the genre and structure, historical setting, purpose, biblical theology and major themes of the book, and relevance for life and ministry.


Gilbert Soo Hoo, PhD, is a missionary with Serving in Mission East Asia (SIMEA). Formerly a faculty member of Singapore Bible College (SBC), he is now an adjunct professor at SBC and Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS). He guest preaches and has taught adult Bible classes at local churches.


For Intensive Courses, registration deadline is Tuesday, 12 November 2024.