从彼得前书看苦难与祝福 | 1 Peter – Suffering and Blessing


新加坡学园传道会于六月二十五日傍晚与东亚神学院携手举办,这网络研讨会将探索如何从彼得前书看苦难与祝福。讲师: 朱德裕牧师(博士),东亚神学院讲师。

1. 使徒彼得对苦难的教导
2. 彼得对苦难与祝福的见解
3. 基督徒今天如何看待我们所遭遇的苦难

A Mandarin webinar was organised on 25 June 2020 by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology on the topic of “Suffering and Blessings from the Book of 1 Peter.” The speaker, Rev Dr Samuel Too, is a Resident Faculty of East Asia School of Theology.

Webinar Outline:
1. Apostle Peter’s Teaching of Suffering
2. Peter’s views on suffering and blessings
3. How do Christians view our suffering today

#CruWebinar #EASTWebinar

Webinar: 从彼得前书看苦难与祝福 | 1 Peter – Suffering and Blessing



1. 使徒彼得对苦难的教导
2. 彼得对苦难与祝福的见解
3. 基督徒今天如何看待我们所遭遇的苦难

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报名参与: cru.sg/covid8

A Mandarin webinar organised by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology.

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It Is Finished!

Design: Blessed Ong

18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” (1 Peter 1:18-19, NIV)

“IT IS FINISHED!” declared the Saviour when He died on the cross that first Good Friday (John 19:30). Worthy is the Lamb that was slain! A perfect, spotless, unblemished sacrifice that saved the world!

Artwork by Blessed Ong

Being Born Anew!

“As is true of man who is born naturally and receives a human nature from his parents, so man born anew receives a new nature, a new capacity for service and devotion to God.” – John F. Walvoord