Prayer Pointers 10 August 2023


Let’s celebrate Singapore’s 58th birthday together!

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Psalm 119:105 -ESV.

How may we gratefully thank God and pray for Singapore? Read more

Blessed 58th National Day, Singapore!


“Righteousness exalts a nation; When the righteous increase, the people rejoice…” – Proverbs 14:34a; 29:2a (ESV)

No country celebrates its birthday as we do. Saturday after Saturday, our SAF fighter jets roar magnificently across the skies, and the helicopters proudly carry the Singapore Flag in its familiar path over the city. By 8 pm in the evening the city sky breaks out with a riot of spectacular colours from the expansive fireworks, and echoes the thunderous burst of pride and elation as celebrants watch in expectant joyous awe. The serial practice on Saturdays look forward to the finale climaxing on 9th August, Singapore’s 58th National Day!

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Singapore National Day Parade 2021


The theme for Singapore National Day Parade 2021 (NDP2021) is “Together Our Singapore Spirit.” It was postponed this year due to COVID-19 “Heightened Alert” restrictions to 21 August 2021 (traditionally it was held on the National Day, 9th August). It was very well done even with the constraints of the parade’s rehearsals and performance being executed with safe management measures in place. We pray for a Singapore spirit that reflects the righteous compassion of Psalm 33:12 and practice the merciful justice of Micah 6:8.

According to the “live” broadcast blurb, NDP2021 is about the “Singapore Spirit.” Through three locally produced animated short films, “the show captures the pain of isolation and hardship experienced by several individuals, the struggles they faced to survive and the friends they made that helped them triumph.” The NDP is thus a reflection on Singapore’s past and a review of the way ahead.

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Happy 56th National Day, Singapore!


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
– Psalm 33:12, ESV

Happy 56th Birthday, Singapore! Together our Singapore Spirit! God bless our Nation! 🇸🇬

Let’s celebrate our unity as a country of diverse cultures.

Together, we will rise from these uncertain times… we did it before, and we will do it again.

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Loving Singapore Block by Block

On the eve of Singapore’s National Day long weekend, the Day of His Power event was held online for the first time. A number of notable church leaders in Singapore shared from their hearts about the state of the church and missions in Singapore. Pastor Lawrence Chua from Living Sanctuary Brethren Church shared the strategy of “Loving Singapore Block by Block” as his church has sought to be a good neighbour over the years.

Jason Wong from the fathering movement, Elijah 7000, also pondered about Singapore as a land of beautiful houses yet with broken homes. Truly, today more than ever, as believers, we need to be sharing the hope we have in Christ to rebuild the broken homes in our beautiful nation. Happy National Day Weekend to all Singaporeans!

Watch the full Day of His Power event recorded “live” here and read the article published by for more insights on a segment of the event that focused on the family here.

#SaturdayGoodRead #EASTLifestyle #LoveSingapore #SGUnited


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