Church History 1 (Onsite) – Day Course

Church History 1 (Onsite)
TS500, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course helps students better appreciate and understand their own faith by studying some of the key movements and ideas from the history of the Christian Church. The course will follow the history of Christianity from the late first century to the rise of the Enlightenment. Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.  Read more

History of Missions & Current Global Missions (Online) – Evening Course

History of Missions & Current Global Missions (Online)
IS511, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

The great commission has played an important role in the life of the church. Over the last two millennia, millions of men and women have faithfully shared the gospel and sought to make disciples throughout the world. In this course we will seek to trace the historical progress of the gospel from the first century to the present. The goal of the course is to grow in our faith by seeing how God has been at work throughout history and to challenge one another to continue to live lives of faithfulness to God’s mission.

Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.


Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.

Singapore Charismatic Renewal Started in 1972



Mr Thomas Franks, husband of EAST alumna, Ms Hannah Zhong, produced (and initially researched and wrote) a church history documentary video on the Charismatic renewal movement that started in 1972, dubbed Revival 1972: When the Holy Spirit stirred the schools of Singapore.

In the words of Thomas, “By documenting the sovereign move of the Holy Spirit in Singapore starting in 1972, the video aims to inspire the next generation to seek God & His purposes. So far, the documentary has had an amazing impact at live screenings in churches even over this weekend [of 23-24 July 2022]! … As we honour & remember God’s work in the past, may we also look ahead in hope to what God will do both now & in the future!”

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Church History 1 – Online Evening Course

Church History 1: Late First Century to the Rise of Enlightenment (Online)
TS500, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm-9.00 pm

This course helps students better appreciate and understand their own faith by studying some of the key movements and ideas from the history of the Christian Church.  The course will follow the history of Christianity from the late first century to the rise of the Enlightenment. Prerequisite for Credit Students: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership. Read more

Loving God Completely

Photo: Ben White. Design: Jonathan Yao.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” ~ Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (NIV)

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is one of the most notable biblical passages named as the shema (Hebrew for “hear” as found in v. 4) and viewed as the “classic” confession of faith for the Hebrews. Verses 4 and 5 are seen as positive restatement of the first command in the Ten Commandments (Deut. 5:6-21). (Guzik, Enduring Word Commentary or EWC)

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