Missions Foundations (Online) – Day Course

Missions Foundations (Online)
IS409, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course focuses on God’s missions agenda throughout the Bible. In addition, examples from various historical and contemporary contexts will be discussed. Students will consider their personal role in missions today. Read more

Church History 1 (Onsite) – Day Course

Church History 1 (Onsite)
TS500, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This course helps students better appreciate and understand their own faith by studying some of the key movements and ideas from the history of the Christian Church. The course will follow the history of Christianity from the late first century to the rise of the Enlightenment. Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.  Read more

New Testament Narratives (Onsite) – Day Course

New Testament Narratives (Onsite)
NT510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

An expositional study of the Gospels and Acts. Attention will be given to the historical and cultural contexts of these narratives as well as biblical themes and theology. Emphasis will be given to Christ’s teaching and ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit in building the Church. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.


Ng Khim Fatt, ThM, graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2019 and joined EAST as a resident faculty in 2023. He has taught subjects on New Testament studies with the EAST Extension Centres in India and East Asia and is passionate about equipping Christian workers in developing countries.


Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.

PIM Graduate Salaimphy: I finally had the chance to be trained!

Sailamphy Rakhangmi, EAST PIM graduate, India


Here is the story of Sailamphy Rakhangmi who graduated in May 2024 with an EAST Certificate in Partners in Ministry (PIM). PIM is a two-year Certificate Program designed to provide a learning environment to develop wives of seminary students, wives of men in full-time ministry and wives of men in bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s ministry.

For a long time Sailamphy, 44, who shepherds a church in New Delhi with her husband Rejoyson, hungered for ministry training.  Read more

Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics (Onsite) – Day Course

Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics (Onsite)
BS510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

A skills-oriented course covering two parts. In Part 1 (Bible Study Methods), students will learn and practice the principles, methods and procedures of inductive Bible study involving the steps of observation, interpretation and correlation (hermeneutics), and application. In Part 2 (Hermeneutics), students will be introduced to important hermeneutical features and guidelines in interpreting the different Bible genres. The practice of principles and skills will be applied in the study of several Bible passages, as well as selected Bible books. Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions and to maximise their learning experience.


Amy Lau, ThM, graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA), and has taught Bible and Theological classes since 2002. She served on the pastoral team at St. John’s and St. Margaret’s Church before joining EAST as a resident faculty. Amy is a creative teacher who challenges her students to interact with God’s Word critically.


Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.

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