Ruth Po Gay: New Student’s Testimony of Healing

L-R: Blessing (cousin), Joel (father), Ruth, Thablay Wah (mother), Naomi (sister)
Ruth Po Gay is a newly enrolled student of EAST who has officially started her Graduate Diploma in Christian Ministry on 3 January 2025 with an orientation at EAST. However, she has a powerful testimony of God’s workings in her life since she has arrived in Singapore last October. Her heartfelt sharing is below.
Over the past years, God has been molding and teaching me through the most challenging season of my life, where I even doubted my existence. While working full-time in 2023, I served in outreach programs in Kwin Baw Village, a predominantly Karen community in the Delta region of Ayeyarwaddy in Myanmar. During these mission trips, I simply helped among those sharing the gospel, teaching Bible lessons, and leading songs. This is when God placed a burden on my heart to serve by reaching out to children with limited access to education, sharing the gospel, and strengthening their faith. Although I have a passion for reaching lost souls, I struggled to submit to Him wholeheartedly and was confined in my own fear. I was so focused on myself and my plans, trying to fit God into them. While my heart was in the right place, my attitude was not.
#GO Building Bridges – Equipping Workshops
Would you like to be equipped as better bridge-builder in your everyday life and for mission trip? #GO Building Bridges – Equipping Workshops are organised by Cru SG especially for those who are preparing to go for mission trips. Join us to explore how to connect respectfully and meaningfully with people of different faiths and perspectives.
Workshops are all on selected Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 PM, onsite at Cru Singapore, 18 Verdun Road, #03-01, S207280. The instructor is Dr Alvin Tey, an Intercultural Studies Resident Faculty of East Asia School of Theology and concurrently Head of People and Organisational Development with Operation Mobilisation East Asia.
Sign-up today as registration closes on 12 January 2025!
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周六,3 月 22 日至 5 月 10 日,上午 10:00 至下午 12:30
注册截止日期为 2024 年 12 月 31 日(星期二)
每周一,1 月 13 日至 3 月 10 日,晚上 7:00 至 9:30
注册截止日期为 2024 年 12 月 31 日(星期二)
Spiritual Formation at Home (Online) – PIM Day Course
Spiritual Formation at Home (Online)
LF333, 2 Credits
Mondays, 10 March – 28 April, 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Seeks to encourage and equip parents with a growing awareness of their children’s development and to learn how to attend to their spiritual formation and discipleship needs. The prevalent influence of the social media/gadgets and its implications on children’s formation and discipleship will also be discussed. Based on the biblical and theological perspectives, the participants will learn creative ways to help their children create a formative space to connect with God, their family and others in a spiritual community. Course limited to Partners in Ministry program and visiting students.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 31 December 2024