Mentoring Groups, Go Forth!


This coming weekend, EAST Mentoring Groups (MGs) head out to various locations in the neighbouring region to serve and minister in a variety of contexts. These short ministry stints are opportunities for our program students to practice servant leadership and apply practical ministry skills together with their fellow MG members. Ministry Weekend is thus part of the holistic development of head, heart and hands in our students that puts classroom learning into hands-on practice.

Our Mentoring Groups will be serving in a culture outside of their own while learning how best to work together in teams. This provides a rich environment where team unity, conflict resolution, and growth can take place.

Faculty who are Mentoring Group Leaders accompany each MG team as mentors and supervisors. In such close proximity, students have many opportunities to observe their teachers practice and model servant leadership while doing ministry together. 

Let us keep these MGs in prayer as they do final team preparations, travel to ministry locations, and minister cross-culturally. 


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