Alumnus Robin Png – Two-time Cancer Survivor

Alumnus Robin Png who graduated in 1996 with a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counselling is married to Jennifer, his partner in ministry. He is also a two-time cancer survivor of stage 3 nose cancer in 2012 and leukemia in 2017. He is currently a Care Pastor for the Restorative Hearts ministry. He reaches out to cancer patients and persons with mental wellness concerns by giving restorative talks, conducting support group meetings, providing professional counseling and pastoral care, and doing hospital and home visits. He is presently overseeing ten restorative groups – four cancer wellness and six mental wellness groups.

Robin has just published a 30-day devotional with testimonies for cancer patients entitled My Grace is Sufficient. It is designed to be practical and encouraging for those who are grappling with cancer, just as Robin himself has had gone through, and survived twice, by God’s grace. Each devotional passage is accompanied by a scripture verse, a short prayer, and a hymn with Youtube link provided.

You may find out more about Robin’s ministry, Restorative Hearts, on Facebook and click here to order his devotional, My Grace is Sufficient.


Prayer requests from Robin Png:

  • Deeper intimacy with God
  • Continued good health
  • Strengthening the faith of cancer patients and persons with mental wellness concerns


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