Fear and Wisdom


Proverbs 1:7 ESV “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”. 

Knowledge and wisdom are often understood as words with different meanings, but in this verse, they speak of the same thing; understanding of our place and role in creation under our loving God.

At the same time, there is a difference between the earthly and the biblical pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. While the world often upholds knowledge and wisdom as a means for one to wield power over another, we understand that fear and submission to the Lord is foundational to the attainment of real understanding. Proverbs 9:10 states “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”.

In your pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, have you remembered to first fear the Lord and understand our role in creation under him? Or are you the fool, looking for knowledge for the sake of power and ignoring the Lord’s commands.

Faith or Fear? Trusting God in the COVID-19 Age









Faith or Fear? Trusting God in the COVID-19 Age by Dr Lewis Winkler

Since the Covid-19 virus impacted Asia long before the rest of the world, we’ve been living under various restrictions here in Singapore for over a month now. It’s given me some time to reflect on life, death, and seeking a greater faith in God.

The fact is, apart from the second coming of Jesus Christ, we will all die someday. The only question is, how and when? As Christians, we really shouldn’t fear death, although most of do if we’re honest. And I confess, I am by nature a fearful person. Although I became a Christian very early in life, some of my earliest childhood memories included the (irrational) fear that I would get sick and die young of some terrible disease. I suppose it didn’t help watching movies like, “The Andromeda Strain,” and “The Omega Man,” but I always found it difficult to release these fears and trust in the goodness and faithfulness of God.

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