Dr Lau Ying Kheng’s Reflective Poem for the New Year
Dr Lau Ying Kheng walking in the rain with her granddaughter Theo
As we enter into a new year, one of EAST’s resident faculty, Dr Lau Ying Kheng has penned a poem upon reflection from Ecclesiastes 9:11-12. Do enjoy her poem below.
Eccl 9:11-12 “I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the warriors, and neither is bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability; for time and chance overtake them all.”
The race is not to the swift,
The battle is not to the warriors,
Just because you’re at the top,
Doesn’t make you the smartest.Just because you’re on a horse,
Doesn’t make you a prince –
The trophy is in your hand today,
Doesn’t mean you deserve to win.The race is not to the swift,
But to those given time and chance –
By God who numbers our days and
Decides when we mourn or dance.So rejoice, live life to the full
When time and chance is on your side;
But be humble before God, and remember:
As swiftly as they come, they also pass us by.
Source: Tan Ying Kheng, Facebook post, 30 Dec 2023