Worldwide Day of Prayer 2023


On Tuesday, 3 October 2023, EAST and Cru Singapore came together for a Worldwide Day of Prayer (WDP). Conducted twice yearly by all Cru ministries globally, it was a blessed time of communion with God and fellow co-labourers in the Lord.

The prayer theme was “The Battle Belongs to the Lord,” based on 2 Chronicles 20:15. The WDP consisted of three parts: 1) Morning – Prayer & Worship together reflecting on 2 Chronicles 20:1-22; 2) Lunch & Prayer Time in small groups of five to six; 3) Afternoon – Prayer Walk around the town area.

Below are some reflections from EAST faculty and students.

“When life gets busy, our temptation is often to work hard to do more. We sometimes forget that we desperately need the Lord to enable us to do all things. It is after all “in Him that we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). It was thus appropriate that the EAST students, staff and faculty took a day to seek the Lord in prayer. The theme of the time together was “The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” We gathered with Cru Singapore staff to spend the day praying for Singapore and the world. It was refreshing to be reminded of what God is doing around the world and to ask him to continue to make His name known. May all of us continue to seek the Lord in prayer regardless of our busy lives and circumstances!”

– Matthew Winslow, Dean of Students (USA)

“I remembered that as a young boy, Sunday was the day where my family “put down everything” and spent the day out. This was somewhat like this year’s Day of Prayer. Classes stopped, nothing was planned on that day, there were no ministry events, but we gathered in a hall as a “spiritual family.” It was a battle for some of us. Lecturers had to do some rescheduling. We had to travel to a different location. We had to be “green” for the day. Thankfully, we began in silence and solitude. This has and ever will be a battle for me: the difficulty to shut out the noise. I was thankful that we could be in God’s presence.

As a community of God’s people, I saw how we spoke the same “spiritual language.” What were they? They were praise, prayer, and power. It wasn’t Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic. Every segment began with praise. It was beautiful hearing God’s redeemed people singing. I imagined what Heaven would be when all the saints and angels bow before the throne. We sang our hearts declaring that the battle indeed belongs to the Lord.

Secondly, we prayed. Prayer alone is a battle. Being immersed in such a busy environment, we often forget to talk to God. As a seminary student, this was a stern reminder. Ministry is hard work but must be a prayerful work. I saw how we put on a spirit of compassion to pray for the suffering, the weak, the vulnerable, the persecuted, and the needy. We also did thank God for His blessings. Silently and audibly, all voices of prayer and praise were lifted to God. We were one in Christ.

Lastly, I sensed the power of the Holy Spirit moving within the hearts of those present. All of us declared and claimed the power of God to move the nations. As a community of God’s people, we worshipped only one Name: Jesus. This was the beautiful picture when God’s people gathered declaring that our God is an almighty fortress, and He goes before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God.”

– Brandon Chan Jun Wei, Master of Divinity (Intercultural/Theological Studies) Final Year Student  (Singapore)

“We are all busy with different things in life, but how great it was to take time to pray together! Attending the Worldwide Day of Prayer was not just attending an event; it was a personal commitment to spend time with God, and it was beautiful. What a great time it was that we could come together to pray for one another. Therefore, what I enjoyed the most was the prayer walk to pray for other countries, universities, and workplaces. Then, God led us to the synagogue; it was my first time, and I’m so curious to know more. It really burdened my heart how sad it is that Jews are still waiting for their Messiah to come, even though He has already come. But I thank God for this opportunity to pray for them and ask for God’s mercy to lead them back to Him. All in all, it was a great experience to attend the Worldwide Day of Prayer with Cru Singapore; it was a great time to refresh our souls and a reminder that God is our priority!”

– Chakriya Sok, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry 1st Year Student (Cambodia)

“Throughout the Day of Prayer, I recognised the power of coming together wholeheartedly in prayer and worship. Gathering as a community to speak to Him, to express our trust, and knowing that He is moving, is immensely more effective than our individual efforts. As we come together in unwavering devotion to seek His kingdom, something beautiful happens—My faith soars, and I’m reassured that He is greater than any circumstance and challenges.”

– Joanni W, Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry 1st Year Student (East Asia)

We were all reminded of the powerful quote by Hudson Taylor, “When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.”


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