EAST Podcast: Creation Part 2 – Old Earth View


In Isaiah 40:25-26, we read:

“To whom then will you compare me,
That I should be like him?” Says the Holy One.
“Lift up your eyes on high and see:
Who created these?
He who brings out their host by number,
Calling them all by name;
By the greatness of his might,
And because he is strong in power,
Not one is missing.”

In this passage, God himself affirms that he created all things. Indeed, throughout Scripture we see that God’s creation testifies to his glory and might. The fact that he created the universe out of nothing is a core tenet of Christianity. And yet, different believers have conflicting views on exactly when and how God created the universe.

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EAST Podcast: Creation Part 1 – Young Earth View


The Bible repeatedly holds up a few key events as evidence of the divine power and sovereignty of God. One of these events is the creation of the world (Isaiah 40:26, Psalm 33:6-9, Romans 1:20).

Throughout history, Christians have strongly affirmed that God created the world by his command, out of nothing. And indeed, affirming that God is the one who created all things is a core tenet of the Christian faith.

Recently though, debates have emerged over exactly how God created the world. Beginning with Darwin’s theory of evolution and continuing with modern scientific assertions that the earth is around 4.54 billion years old, Christians have been confronted with a continuous attempt by the scientific community to explain the origin and nature of the world on purely naturalistic terms, without any reference to God.

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