Alumnus Zoloo Damba – Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ’s new National Director

Left to Right: Bataa Juvaa (former MCCC National Director), Muugii Namgildorj (wife of Zoloo), Zoloo Damba (Current MCCC National Director)


On 9 October 2023, Zoloo Damba (EAST Alumnus, Master of Arts in Leadership, 2020) was installed as the 2nd Mongolian National Director of Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ (MCCC). It was a significant milestone for Zoloo and MCCC as there is a transition of leadership from the first Mongolian National Director Bataa Juvaa (EAST Alumnus, Master of Divinity, 2011) to another Mongolian, both EAST alumni.

EAST news managed to get Bataa Juvaa to share some thoughts regarding both Zoloo’s and his own time of equipping at EAST.

1. What do you observe about Zoloo before and after being equipped at EAST?

After his EAST training, he underwent a noticeable change. His vision grew wider and more expansive, allowing him to view opportunities and obstacles from a more thorough angle. His understanding of the Bible increased dramatically, which improved his ability to teach and allowed him to serve his church more effectively. Additionally, Zoloo got more actively involved in serving his church, demonstrating a renewed focus and commitment. His capacity for inspiring and guiding others also improved as a result of his increased confidence. Overall, Zoloo’s experience at EAST had a significant and uplifting influence on his spiritual and personal development.

2. Recalling your own (Bataa Juvaa’s) time at EAST, what has helped you grow as a leader? What you would recommend for future Mongolian students to learn from EAST? Give some tips to survive EAST and Singapore.

Learning and studying were not easy for me. It was time for me to see the next season of my life. It was time for me to see “How big God is” yet He loves me so much. Two things I can advise new students:

1. Don’t be scared to take on challenges. Embrace failures and learn from it. Use your failures and setbacks as stepping stones to success by learning from them.
2. Make connections: Make use of your time at EAST to establish contacts with peers and your faculty in your area of interest. Through networking, you can find internships, new mission opportunities, and collaborative projects that may be crucial to your future leadership role in your country.

Prayer requests:

For Zoloo: God will use both your strength and weaknesses. Keep trusting in Him.
For Bataa: God’s guidance and leading for my next season of life.

During Zoloo’s installation, Dr Keith Shubert (EAST Faculty) was also invited to Ulaanbaatar as a speaker as he was formerly a Mentoring Group Leader of Zoloo’s. This is what Dr Keith Shubert had to say of the experience,

“If we do see them on their field of ministry, it is often by coincidence. However, an exception occurred this month. I got to get a glimpse, a worm’s eye view, of one of my MG students. Here is what happened.

I received an email inviting me to the celebration and installation of one of my past students to the role of National Director of the Mongolian Campus Crusade for Christ ministry. This MCCC (its abbreviation) has about 120 fulltime staff, all but 2-3 from Mongolia itself. I changed plans quickly, hopped on a plane, and soon found myself on stage involved in his commissioning. He is one of the few Mongolians who has significant biblical training and also leadership training. What a privilege for me to see the fruit of a seed planted a few years ago.”

EAST is grateful for how God has equipped his labourers through the years, through the gates of our bible college. It is heartening to see different ones rising up to roles of leadership in various countries, in Christian organisations and churches. But most of all, we pray that each alumnus will continue to walk humbly with God, act justly and love mercy.


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