Fear, Faith, and Coronavirus

Photo: Yahoo! News Singapore (LightRocket via Getty Images)


There is a state of fear in people of many countries – countries which are far from the epicentre of the 2019-nCoV epidemic (also known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19) in Wuhan and Hubei Province, China. People scan the news media frequently (sometimes every few minutes) to see the latest tally of infected cases and death – as though one was following the Olympics medals tally. Fear is visceral and irrational, and some would rather believe the latest rumours or fake news than follow reputable websites or official announcements. Fear leads to mass hysteria, like hoarding of food and even toilet papers!

To deal with our fear of the outbreak, let us ask ourselves a few questions.

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To read the entire article by Dr Alex Tang, EAST Adjunct Faculty, click here. Thank you.


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