Field Supervisors’ Tea 2023


This year’s annual Field Supervisors’ Tea held on 4th October was uniquely helmed by Dr Lau Ying Kheng and her FIRM students. A third year Master of Divinity student in Intercultural & Theological Studies, Brandon Chan, shared about his experience in Cambodia. Students are required to do practicum 240 hours a year or an equivalent of 10 days. Brandon has been to Cambodia for a mission trip 16 years ago and recently, he returned to the same village for his field practicum.

Here are some thoughts that Brandon shared, “Kingdom work requires an eternal perspective. We must labour with patience, compassion and joy. God will send the fruit even if it takes 15 years.” He gave the illustration of gifting an army knapsack to a young boy over 15 years ago and this boy who is a young man now, still remembers his kindness and generosity. Brandon was in Cambodia organising a youth camp and teaching Bible Study Methods and other classes.

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