Transforming Leadership (Online) – Evening Course

Transforming Leadership (Online)
LF511, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

Seeks to equip leaders to commit to authentic personal transformation and the passion to serve the world around them for Jesus’ sake. This course examines the underlying theology, leadership theory, and skill set of a transforming leader in today’s world. Leadership is not a job nor a position. It is a passion and a calling. A transformational servant-leader seeks to bring about change in organizations and individuals.

Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.

Chan Chong Hiok, DD, has been a Cru Singapore staff since 1975 and has served in the Philippines and more than ten years as Country Director of Cru Singapore. For eighteen years, he served in East Asia as the National Campus Director and then as the Area Team Leader. He served as President of EAST since 2011. He has an MDiv and DD (Transformational Leadership) from the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines).



Jonathan Yao, EdD Studies, has been a staff of Cru Singapore for 35 years. He has served with high school, university, evangelism and mission mobilisation, church-planting, theological and leadership development ministries in Singapore and East Asia. He has an MA in Missions and Evangelism.



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