Theology of Persecution (Onsite) – Evening Course

Theology of Persecution (Onsite)
IS542, 3 Credits
Mondays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

Designed to give students a theological understanding of the reality for Christians in many parts of the world today of persecution. This course will cover biblical, systematic, and historic theological aspects of persecution, as well as the role of persecution in the mission of the church, different types of persecution, and ongoing persecution in specific contexts throughout Asia. Students will be expected to present research on how persecution impacts the church and its mission in a ministry context of interest to them.

Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.

Jarred Jung, PhD, joined Cru in 2006 and ministers in Asian contexts. He has worked in campus ministry and most recently has lectured in developing seminaries. His passion is for teaching students how to apply theology to every square inch of their life through the lens of the Bible. He enjoys talking with students about theology, hosting people for dinners, and most of all living life with students about theology, hosting people for dinners, and most of all living life with his wife Shelley and his three children.


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