Foundations in Apologetics

Did the recent Josh and Sean McDowell’s apologetics events in Singapore leave you thirsting for more?

Are you eager to develop certain biblical foundations that will put you in good stead to build your “apologetics intelligence”?

Why don’t you consider attending our Worldview and Biblical Decision Making class this coming July? It will help you lay the appropriate foundations for your journey of growth.

Worldview and Biblical Decision Making class (TS560, 2 credits)
Weekly from July to November 2018

Your worldview shapes how you live even if you don’t know what it is and how it works. This course seeks to explore the big questions of life to enable you to better understand, defend, and live out your faith in the marketplace of competing ideas and lifestyles.  It will also help you develop a biblically-informed framework for making moral decisions.

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Lewis Winkler, PhD

Lewis joined Cru some 30 years ago and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He has spoken on apologetics issues in local universities in the area of science and faith. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today.


Registration will open this coming May 2018. Do look out for it. Thank you.

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