Prayer Pointers 21 March 2024


How can you be effective in bringing the Light of Jesus to people in their time of need?

“We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work”, John 9:4 – ESV

You may do it by dutifully employing your time in doing the will of God. 

Praise God:

– That through His son Jesus, He shows us the Light and reminds us of the brevity of life, that we must do His work while it is opportune.

– That He empowered us with the Holy Spirit, to serve Him, in His power and strength for His purpose.

Pray for: 

–  EAST students, staff and faculty to have compassion and a sense of urgency in God’s redemptive mission work.

– EAST to be a God-honouring community in seizing the Kairos moments in occasions for the display of the grace and goodness of the Lord.

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