Teaching & Learning 2 (Onsite) – Day Course

Teaching & Learning 2 (Onsite)
LF531, 3 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Encourages teachers, facilitators, and ministry trainers to integrate biblical perspectives and principles of teaching and learning as they seek to understand learners and communicate biblical truth in different contexts. The philosophy, process, and procedures of designing a formal or non-formal educational course are discussed and applied. Students develop one or more sessions and teach either in a formal or non-formal educational setting. Prerequisites: LF530 Teaching & Learning 1, OT510 Old Testament Narratives, and NT510 New Testament Narratives.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions.

Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.

Jeannette Shubert, PhD, has taught at EAST since 2009 and enjoys seeing people develop skill and confidence as they facilitate learning in formal and non-formal environments. She was nominated to and listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. She has completed advanced degrees at Biola University (intercultural education), Dallas Theological Seminary (academic ministry – Bible exposition), and the University of Nebraska-Omaha (counseling) that enrich her teaching and discipleship ministry.

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