Prayer Pointers 27 July 2023


Are you weighed down by heavy burden?

“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 -ESV.

Do you know to how and to whom you can lay down your load?

Praise God:

– That Jesus has invited us to rest in His peace for relief, recouperation and refreshment for our souls.

– That His sacrifice has granted us spiritual rest, tranquillity of soul and eternal rest in communion with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Pray for:

– All EAST students that by faith they cast their worries about assignments and other challenges in their learning journey to Jesus.

– EAST community to faithfully obey Jesus and let Him make us anew; take up His yoke; follow His way as He lead us into becoming an inclusive and compassionate community to glorify Him.

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