Trust in the Lord
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6 ESV
With the spread of COVID cases in Singapore over the last few days, the government here has decided to reintroduce some restrictions to social gatherings and international travel.
Many of our church leaders are having emergency meetings today to decide whether or not to continue with physical services or move online once again. We pray that our leaders will trust the Lord to make straight their paths and grant them the wisdom to choose the best course of action for their respective churches.
As a school, EAST will be affected by these new restrictions also. Heavily restricted travel into Singapore will affect our overseas admissions and Extension Centre Staff. We pray for the Lord to help us in overcoming these hurdles placed suddenly before us.
Individually, these new restrictions will affect us in varying magnitudes. Be it having to face the possibility of delaying a marriage ceremony, or something smaller, we need to look to the Lord to guide our decisions and choices over these next three weeks. If there is any way that EAST can pray for you, we welcome you to let us know here.