Hear My Cry, O Lord

Photo: Guillaume de Germain. Design: Jonathan Yao

“Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;
be gracious to me and answer me!” (Psalm 27:7, ESV)

As David wrote Psalm 27, in verse 7, he pivoted from praise to prayer. There is a sense of plaintiff cry for help in verses 7 to 14. In the original language, verse 7 is succinct and direct: “Hear, O Lord; with my voice I call; pity me, and answer me” (Pulpit Commentary).

The specific name of God that David used here, translated “the Lord,” is uniquely found in this verse with a comparative parallel in Isaiah 60:1; it sees a personal God as the salvation light for all people (Keil and Delitzsch). Thus the redemptive God who illumines will respond as David cried out to Him.

While prayer can be uttered in silence, here the supplicant cried out “aloud” baring his soul before God. Dare we do so before the Lord of all light who ministers to us in the midst of our cries for help?

The word “gracious” is elsewhere translated as “merciful” (e.g. NIV). There is a strong sense that as individual believers pray and believe, God will hear and answer in His gracious mercy. Whatever your circumstance of life may be, will you cry out to the Lord who will respond in grace and mercy in answer to your prayers. Shalom.

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